Commodities - Gold

Click Picture to Access Today's World Market Gold Pricing  

  • GenCom International has metals accounts with refineries in San Francisco and Florida.  We are able to sell gold as low as SPOT + 1% for large orders of hallmarked bullion KGS bars, and Silver bullion as low as SPOT +70 cents UDS per ounce.  
  • GenCom is able to source AU out of a refinery in Bangkok Thailand at a discount off LBMA.
  • GenCom also sources AU for a Dubai corporate buyer of AU who has export/import licenses and accounts with 6 gold refineries.  He works through the Dubai Free Trade Zones.
  • GenCom regularly receives requests and offers, makes due dilligence efforts to vet the participants, and facilitates the structuring of fair and honest deals., HotDoodle™ Custom Web Design and Quality Affordable Website Designers for Small Businesses and Professionals
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